COGS Fun at Potter Park Zoo
Over 50 graduate students/friends and family enjoyed an afternoon at Lansing’s Potter Park Zoo on August 9th! Learn more about Potter Park Zoo here:
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But we are proud to say that cogs contributed 362 entries already.
Over 50 graduate students/friends and family enjoyed an afternoon at Lansing’s Potter Park Zoo on August 9th! Learn more about Potter Park Zoo here:
COGS was out to make sure you had a great day as classes began on August 28th! We had some information and some goodies to share! And if you have any questions or need help navigating the beginning of the semester, we’re here to help!
A committee has been formed to ensure a smooth transition for President-designee Samuel L. Stanley Jr. as he joins the Spartan community on August 1, 2019. The committee is made up of members from the Presidential Search Committee, as well as other campus leaders. COGS President Meagan Abel will serve on this committee. Read More
Samuel L. Stanley Jr., MD has been chosen to lead MSU as it’s 21st president. We’d like to thank COGS Representative Greg Spray, Ph.D. for his work on the search committee. Greg has been instrumental in making sure Graduate & Professional Student input was considered in the selection process. You may read statements from the […]
Graduate School Resource Fair: MSU Union, 10am-12pm All NEW and RETURNING Graduate & Professional Students are invited to attend the Graduate School’s Welcome & Resource Fair on Saturday, August 26. COGS will be there! COGS Fall Welcome Celebration: MSU Benefactors Plaza, 12-3pm Come celebrate new beginnings! After the Graduate School Welcome & Resource Fair […]
Meet up with your fellow graduate/professional students at the Green Dot Stables in Lansing to celebrate our first week of classes! We’ll provide the snacks, you help provide the conversation and camaraderie! RSVP strongly suggested: and click on the COGS Storefront link. **In the event reserved space reaches capacity, those that have RSVP’d and […]
Learn practical techniques for managing stress in graduate school, and engage in interactive discussions. Workshop is facilitated by Meg Akehi from MSU Counseling and Psychiatry Services (CAPS). Lunch will be provided. RSVP is appreciated: September 13th, 12:30-2:00 pm in Erickson Hall, Room 228 Zoom link for remote viewing is: . Contact the COGS […]
Building, Maintaining and Growing Healthy Advising Relationships Facilitated by Dr. Shannon Lynn Burton, University Ombudsperson. September 20th, 12:30-2:00 pm in Erickson Hall, Room 228 Lunch provided. What does a healthy advising relationship between graduate students and mentors look like? What are graduate student rights and responsibilities in building and maintaining these connections? What happens when […]
Motivation and Persistence in Graduate School. One of the most difficult things about graduate school is having to sustain high levels of motivation for a very long time. If you are feeling your motivation fading and aren’t sure how to keep going, you are not alone! In this workshop, we will talk about specific strategies […]
RSVP appreciated: Friday, November 8th, 12:30-2:00 pm in Chittenden Hall, Room 110 Zoom Link for Remote Viewing:
The Council of Graduate Students is the authorized student government on campus representing all graduate/professional students at Michigan State University. Our mission is to promote the academic, social, and economic goals of graduate and professional students.
Chittenden Hall
466 W. Circle Dr., Room 120
East Lansing, MI. 48824
Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm
Available any weekday via email or by appointment.
We are also available to meet via zoom!
WINTER BREAK: The COGS Office will be (physically) closed from December 19-January 6th. And closed January 9th and 10th.
You may reach us via email during that time: