University Committees

University Council

This council is composed of faculty and students and is the highest body to consider academic programs and procedures of the University. It also approves general student rights and responsibilities. Meets Tuesdays at 3:15-5:00 p.m. 5 seats.

The Steering Committee

The Steering Committee shall meet periodically with the President and Provost for an exchange of information and views on University Policy. The Steering Committee shall act on behalf of Academic Council on occasions when action is needed before Academic Council can be called to session.   Sets the agendas for Academic Council and Faculty Council. Formerly Executive Committee of Academic Council (ECAC). Meets once per month on a Tuesday from 3:15-5:00 p.m. 2 seats.

University Committee on Graduate Studies (UCGS)

UGC has shared responsibility with the Dean of coordination of graduate programs, and on policy pertaining to financial aid. This is a standing committee of Academic Council. At least two of the members will serve on the COGS Graduate Welfare Committee. This committee meets monthly on Mondays from 3-5 PM.  5 seats.

University Committee on Academic Governance (UCAG)

The committee conducts a continuing review of the By-Laws for Academic Governance; it considers appeals of reviews of department By-Laws by college committees, provides guidelines for Academic Council elections and nominations to Academic Council committees. This is a standing committee of Academic Council. Meets approximately once per month on a Thursday at 3:15 p.m. 2 seats.

University Committee on Curriculum

This committee deals with criteria for the establishment and deletion of courses, curricula and degree requirements proposed by academic units, as well as the approval and rejection of changes in graduate and graduate-professional courses recommended by the Graduate Council. This is a standing committee of Academic Council. Meets every Thursday from 1:30-5:00 p.m. after appointed to subcommittees. 2 Seats.

University Committee on Faculty Tenure

This committee is the judicial and investigating agency for all tenure actions, such as interpreting tenure rules and acting on all cases of deviation from the rules. This is a standing committee of Academic Council. One representative is needed. Committee provides excellent opportunity to learn about tenure process for someone who may plan to work in academia after Graduate school. This committee meets every other Wednesday from 3-5 PM. 1 seat.

University Committee on International Studies Program

This committee serves in an advisory-consultative capacity on all matters concerning International Projects, including study programs abroad, foreign student affairs, exchange relationships with foreign institutions, and contractual projects. It advises and consults the Dean on all foreign projects that are part of the University. Two representatives are needed. In the best situation, at least one member should be an international student. Meets approximately 2-3 times per semester. 2 seats.

MSU Food Committee

This committee will give input on campus food vendors such as dining halls and Sparty’s. 1 Seat.

University Committee for the Library

Advises and consults the Director of the Libraries. It reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations on all policy matters pertaining to the libraries. The committee also serves as one of the channels of communication between the libraries, faculty and students. 2 Seats.

Out of State Fees Committee

One representative is needed. This committee receives information to review in the mail. Materials consist of students presenting cases requesting to be considered in-state for purposes of reducing tuition costs. After review committee votes by phone. The committee meets if there is a matter requiring special discussion.  1 Seat.

MSU Bikes Advisory Committee

This committee’s main purpose is to advocate for bicycle circulation on campus. Some of the issues it will address are: enhancing the bicycle system including new facilities for bike parking and repair, monitor and look for ways to enhance our standing as a Bicycle Friendly University, develop a campus bike plan, and seek out grant opportunities for building a better bicycle system. Meets once per month from 1.5 hours. 1 Seat.

MSU Police Oversight Committee

Review complaints against officers.  1 Seat.

The Oversight Committee is unique in that it is a legislative creation (Public Act 120) by resolution of the Board of Trustees, whose sole purpose is to receive and address grievances by persons against the Police Officers or the Police Department and may make recommendations to the Police Chief that disciplinary measures be taken by the Department against any Police Officer who is found responsible for misconduct in office.

Celebrations Committee

The mission of the Celebrations Committee is to anticipate, plan for and communicate about events that might evolve into a celebratory atmosphere.  Meets 6 times per year on a Thursday from 3:30-5pm. 1 Seat.

University Committee on Honors Program

This committee advises and consults the Director of the Honors College. It reviews, evaluates, and recommends programs, opportunities, and activities for honor students within the colleges and departments of the University, including the Honors College. It also recommends to the Academic Council standards for granting of honor degrees. Representative must have a BA from the MSU Honors College. Meets once per semester as needed. 1 Seat.

Accommodating Technology Committee

Analyzing and recommending, to VP of library and technologies, improvements to the University’s handicap accessibilities policies which promote successful applications of technology in accommodating self-reliance and productivity for students, graduates, faculty and administrators who experience physical or sensory impairments. 1 Seat.

Radio Board

This is a governing body of MSU Student Radio. Meets 2-3 times a year. 1 Seat.

Student Faculty Staff Hearing Board (SFSB)

SFSB hears cases involving serious allegations that warrant consideration of suspension or dismissal (e.g., issues involving safety and security, sale of drugs, harassment, assault, and weapons). It is preferable for student members to have served on another board prior to serving on SFSB. SFSB typically meets on Tuesday EVENINGS when classes are in session. 3 seats.

All-University Student Hearing Board (AUSB)

AUSB hears cases involving alleged violations in and around campus living units that do not rise to the level of a suspension or dismissal, and cannot be heard by another board or involve graduate students. AUSB typically meets on Thursdays EVENINGS (when classes are in session).  3 seats.

University Student Appeals Board (USAB)

USAB reviews the disciplinary files of decisions made by other hearing boards and administrators when an appeal is filed. USAB seldom meets with the students and/or staff involved in the cases. USAB has the authority to reverse, modify, and uphold prior decisions. It is preferable for student members to have served on another board prior to serving on USAB. USAB typically meets on Monday or Friday afternoons (or other times) as needed.

University Committee on Student Life & Engagement

Advises the Division of Student Life & Engagement on policies as they affect achievement, initiates and reviews amendments to the Academic Freedom Report and General Student Regulations. This is a standing committee of Academic Council. Meets three times during the semester. 2 Seats.

University Graduate-Professional Judiciary

This judiciary meets only when appellate cases arise. The committee consists of 5 graduate students, 3 of which are members from each of the 3 medical colleges and 2 of which are not. Committee only meets when need arises. 5 seats, 5 alternates.

University Graduate Judiciary

This judiciary meets only when appellate cases arise. The committee consists of 5 graduate students. Committee only meets when need arises.

Athletic Council

This committee reviews issues pertaining to University athletics. There must be 3 nominees, and the President will select one. Nominees must submit a statement of interest and resume to COGS. Meets once per month. *Admin will recruit when position is open.

President’s Advisory Committee on Disability Issues

Nominations need to be submitted by March 1st. Nominees need to submit a bio letter with statement why they want to serve on the committee. Meets once a month for two hours. 1 seat. *Admin will recruit when position is open.

University Naming Committee

The University Advisory Committee on the Naming of Buildings and Facilities shall advise the President on the appropriateness of proposed names or changes in names for buildings and facilities at Michigan State University. 2-year term. Nominations submitted when requested.

East Lansing University Student Commission

Meets two Tuesdays of every month at 5:30pm in City Hall. Meets to improve student and local relations; establish a formal link between University student population and the government of the city; review issues that have a potential to affect lifestyle, livelihood and/or regular activities of the student population. 1 seat. *Appointment includes additional application that must be made through City of East Lansing.

MISC Ad-Hoc & Search Committees

University stakeholders frequently reach out to COGS to ask for graduate & professional students to sit on a myriad of task force and project based temporary committees and to participate in search committees for high-profile University hires. If you are interested in serving in such a capacity, please let us know and we will reach out to you when such opportunities arise. Email us at