When They See Us: Experiences of MSU Black Male Students
Friday, January 22, 2021 – 9:00am to Saturday, Jan uary 23, 2021 – 11:55am
Please register at When They See Us Su mmit.
Inspired by NCORE’s (The National Conference on Race & Ethnicit y) webinar, “When They See Us: Experiences of Black Males Navigating Hist orically White Institutions,” this summit centers on the experiences of B lack men-identified students attending Michigan State University.
Hig hlights from this summit include:
Opening remarks by Dr. Jabbar R. Benn ett, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer
Highlighted clips from N CORE’s webinar used to engage discussion.
A student panel facilitated by Dr. Chezare A. Warren, Associate Professor, Department of English, Mich igan State University.
Breakout Discussions facilitated by MSU faculty/st aff including members of MSU’s Black Strategic Outreach Committee.
Sharin g of MSU’s resources and plans for student success from MSU’s Black Strate gic Outreach committee.
9:00AM Welcome and Overview
9:10AM Opening Remarks by Dr. Jabbar Bennett
9:25AM Featured cl ips from NCORES webinar “When They See Us: Experiences of Black Males Navi gating Historically White Institutions.”
10:00AM Student Panel Facili tated by Dr. Chezare Warren
11:00AM Breakout Discussions/Action Plan facilitated by members of MSU’s Black Strategic Outreach Committee.
11:45AM Wrap-up
You are highly encouraged to view NCORE’s Webinar prior to attending this summit. Access NCORE webinar.
This summit is brought to you by: Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions, College of Natural Science, IDEA Coordinators, School of Packaging, Residential Co llege in the Arts and Humanities, College of Agriculture & Natural Resour ces—Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Black Students’ Allia nce
E-mail ocat@msu.edu if you have any questions.
Diversity and Inclusion