Virtual Lunch and Learn: Mindful Relaxation Practices
April 27, 2022
Wednesday, April 27, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
In bi-weekly Virtual Lunch and Learn & Best Practices in Teaching gatherings Graduate Teaching Assistants share their knowledge about teaching, teaching and technology tools as well as discuss research of teaching, book chapters relevant to work in an instructional setting. Anyone interested in these topics can join these meetings.
(11:45 am: Check in and Community Connect)
Session Description:
Self-care is the key to our overall wellbeing. In this Lunch and Learn Session, we invite you all to join us, share and practice best self-care strategies to get you through the last couple weeks of the semester. Bring a friend, grab a blanket or pillow to be comfortable, brew a cup of tea and relax. Perhaps have a few index cards and a pen for notes to write down some of your new ideas and practices.
Facilitated by the GTA TLC
Please register below and attend and we will send you slides and other related materials.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 732 599 810
Passcode: GTAsTeach
Professional Development