Graduate School Write-In
March 18, 2022
Friday, March 18, 2022 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Zoom and MSU Union 50
Graduate School Write-Ins are co-sponsored by the Graduate School and The Writing Center @ MSU. The write-ins are hosted and facilitated to provide writers with an opportunity to write in a shared writing space where other writers are present, and a writing center consultant/staff member is present to provide consultations for writers who would like to have a consultation appointment during the session.
Along with this, the write-ins provide an opportunity for facilitators to promote and share information about upcoming events hosted by the Graduate School, Writing Center, and other campus partners such as the University Outreach and Engagement Office and to provide resources and information that can be used to form graduate writing groups, have writing center appointments or attend workshops (provided by the Graduate School) cater to graduate students based on goals they may share during the write in.
Professional Development