GradPlan Overview for Graduate Secretaries and Graduate Program Dir ectors
Tuesday, March 2, 2021 – 3:00pm to Wednesday, Marc h 3, 2021 – 3:55pm
Zoom Meeting
The Graduate SI S Team will be having a GradPlan overview to discuss the following:
S tudents:
Create Course Plan
Create Committee Plan
RCR Requirements
Approving Course Plan
Approving RCR requirements
Appro ving Committee creation
There will be time allocated for Q&A. No re gistration required.
Join Zoom Meeting 86?pwd=VFlmYTNjbWRzQ1J2QXpXbUMvVXBZUT09
Meeting ID: 998 2985 8886
Passcode: 057033
If you have any questions please feel free to emai l