From CV to Resume (and Why)
Friday, February 19, 2021 – 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Loc ation:
CVs and Resumes have some similarities: They high light your accomplishments and are often required when you apply for a job . But their differences are important, and it’s essential that graduate s tudents understand how these documents differ—not only in format, but in the goals for each document.
In this session, Megan Jursch (SHRLR) w ill teach you the fundamental differences in CVs and resumes, how to deci de which document you should submit when applying for a position, and how to convert your CV to a resume (and back again). Smart students will have both an updated CV and resume in their files: this workshop will help you get there.
Join Zoom Meeting pwd=U3JTbWljcVNpMGhBOHlyR204dE5OQT09
Meeting ID: 979 7483 5356
Passcode: ResumeCV
Professional Development