Academic Entrepreneurship Discussion with Dr. Jasmine Abrams
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 – 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Have you thought about starting your own busin ess as a graduate student? In this introduction session Dr. Jasmine Abrams will provide an overview of different types of academic entrepreneurship and offer a few tips on how to get started. Dr. Abrams is an international behavioral research scientist and faculty member at the Boston University School of Public Health and Yale University School of Public Health. In a ddition to her academic endeavors, Dr. Abrams is a serial entrepreneur wh o has founded four companies in the last 5 years. Her experience in entrep reneurship has largely informed her approach to coaching early career facu lty in academia.
Registration Link: ister/WN_wy1KcjZFTRaJFitjzbpMJw
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