NAGPS Legislative Letters
November 23, 2020 – Read the latest Legislative Letters from the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students.
November 23, 2020 – Read the latest Legislative Letters from the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students.
See this link for 2020 Election-related Events: 2020VOTING!!
This is a temporary resource launched by the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives in collaboration with Academic Advancement Network, IDEA Coordinators, Office of Civil Rights, Office of Institutional Equity, Counseling and Psychiatric Services, Student Services, and Global and Intercultural Learning.
In their October 14, 2020 full council meeting, The Council of Graduate Students (COGS) passed, by unanimous vote, a statement condemning the proposed DHS F/J Visas Policy. The statement was unanimously approved by the COGS Full Council in response to the proposed rule: “Establishing a Fixed Time Period of Admission and an Extension of Stay Procedure for Nonimmigrant Academic Students, Exchange Visitors, and Representatives of Foreign Information Media” (Federal Register Number 2020-20845). It will be submitted as a public comment and distributed to the MSU congressional delegation.
COGS encourages MSU graduate and professional students to submit their own public comment at by the October 25, 2020 deadline.
You can see a pdf of the full COGS statement HERE.
MSU Institutional Diversity: Excellence in Action (IDEA) Coordinators’ Committee and Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives (I3) is hosting the following program:
The Day After: Moving Forward Post Election
Program Description: This program will explore and examine the potential outcomes and impact of the 2020 United States national election. The first part of our program will focus on a panel of scholars from a variety of disciplines and focus areas. Our panelists will help attendees better understand the outcome of the election and provide strategies to help the MSU community move forward. After the panel discussion, we will provide a space for attendees to participate in a dialogue based on their individual and shared experiences. This program is open to all MSU students, staff, specialists, and faculty.
Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Time: 3-4:15 PM (EST) Panel Discussion, 4:15-5 PM (EST) Dialogue
Registration link (for Zoom information):
Moderator: Professor Geri Alumit Zeldes (MSU College of Communication Arts and Sciences)
Panelist: Professor Daniel Bergan (MSU College of Communication Arts and Sciences, James Madison College)
Panelist: Professor Nicole Buchanan (MSU College of Social Science)
Panelist: Professor Laura McNeal (Brandeis School of Law, University of Louisville)
Panelist: Professor Sarah Reckhow (MSU College of Social Science)
The Council of Graduate Students is the authorized student government on campus representing all graduate/professional students at Michigan State University. Our mission is to promote the academic, social, and economic goals of graduate and professional students.
Chittenden Hall
466 W. Circle Dr., Room 120
East Lansing, MI. 48824
Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm
Available any weekday via email or by appointment.
We are also available to meet via zoom!
WINTER BREAK: The COGS Office will be (physically) closed from December 19-January 6th. And closed January 9th and 10th.
You may reach us via email during that time: