
Events in October 2023

  • Registration now open for the Dissertation Support Group

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Registration now open for the Dissertation Support Group

    October 2, 2023


    Monday, October 2, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:00am



    Are you struggling to make sufficient progress on your dissertation? The Dissertation Support Group may be for you. This 6-week group provides doctoral students with a supportive, structured environment that helps mitigate the sense of isolation and frustration that often accompany the dissertation process. It also creates opportunities for peer accountability to help each other stay on track. This group does NOT focus on the technical aspects of writing and there will be no review of written work, though participants are welcome to arrange for that type of review outside of group meetings. A weekly discussion topic will also allow participants to share experiences with and resources that help address some of the most common barriers to progress (e.g., low motivation, time management, stress/burnout). 

    This group is open only to PhD students who are actively working on their dissertation. To register for all 6 sessions, please fill out this brief Qualtrics form where you can let us know a little bit about yourself and where you are in the dissertation process. 

    *This group meets every Monday from 10:00am-11:00am on Zoom starting October 2, 2023 and ending November 13, 2023. When you register, you are registering for all 6 sessions. 

    NOTE: Registration for this event series will end on Friday, September 22, 2023. 


    Life and Well-Being
    Professional Development

  • COGS Workshop: Making Difficult Decisions

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide COGS Workshop: Making Difficult Decisions

    October 3, 2023


    Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


    Chittenden Hall Room 110

    This workshop is presented by the Council of Graduate Students (COGS) and Dr. Megumi Moore, Director of The Graduate School Office of Well Being (GROW).

    There are many times during your graduate school experience where you will have to make big decisions, ones that could have a big impact on your present situation and on your future. You could be deciding on a direction for your research, exploring an unexpected career path, finding a different funding/advising relationship, or thinking about changing your direction entirely. In this session, we'll explore the dynamics of making difficult decisions and give you some practical suggestions for how to move forward with confidence. RSVP appreciated so that we can plan for capacity. Interactive, in-person only, no recordings will be available. 



    Life and Well-Being

    Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Workshop Series 2023 - Workshop 5

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Workshop Series 2023 - Workshop 5

    October 3, 2023


    Tuesday, October 3, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm



    The MSU AGEP Program is conducting a workshop series that will present NSF GRFP program information and provide structured practice to create competitive GRFP application. The MSU workshop is based on similar workshops at other universities that have resulted in an increase in the number of successful GRFP applications. In the MSU workshop, STEM undergraduate and graduate students will participate in a 5-part series that will include an overview of the GRFP and application process, first-hand advice from GRFP reviewers and recent awardees, and two interactive sessions to review and revise their application documents. The workshop will also provide a timeline and guidance for requesting recommendation letters. In addition to preparing a more competitive GRFP application, workshop participants will gain experience drafting a research outline and conveying their research to broad audiences.

    The fourth and fifth workshops will be an opportunity for workshop participants get feedback on their research statement and personal statements from fellow participants. Workshop facilitators will start each session with an overview of how to review an application and reminders of the review criteria. Workshop participants will then be free to review and provide feedback to each other. These sessions will not be live-streamed.

    Register here:



  • ETD Formatting Walk-In Help

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide ETD Formatting Walk-In Help

    October 4, 2023


    Wednesday, October 4, 2023 - 9:00am to 10:30am


    Chittenden Hall Room 220

    Attention Master’s Plan A and Doctoral students:

    Do you have questions regarding formatting your thesis or dissertation? Stop in during one of our help sessions to talk to Graduate School staff about any specific formatting questions you may have.

    These are walk-in sessions. No registration is required.


    Professional Development

  • CES Write-In

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide CES Write-In

    October 6, 2023


    Friday, October 6, 2023 - 9:00am to 12:00pm


    Hybrid | In-Person: Brody Cafeteria

    Is working from home making it hard to find writing time? Would scheduling regular, specific times to write about your community outreach or engagement work be helpful?

    If so, please join us on the first Friday of each month for three hours of dedicated time to advance your scholarship. Past participants have written journal articles, grant proposals, book chapters, theses or dissertations, curricula, pieces for public audiences, and community engagement portfolios. Participants should plan to write for the full three hours. We start the write-in by sharing writing goals for the day and wrap up with accomplishments and next steps. Both in-person and virtual write-in options are available 2022-2023. Write-Ins are free, but registration is required. 

    *Please note that your registration is a commitment to attend.

    Register here:


    Professional Development

  • How to Make Learning More Effective with High Impact Practices

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide How to Make Learning More Effective with High Impact Practices

    October 11, 2023


    Wednesday, October 11, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm



    High Impact Practices (HIPs) are specific strategies that help 21st century students succeed. In addition, HIPs are taken to a higher level when we incorporate eight key characteristics into our day-to-day teaching and instructional activities.

    In this interactive session you will learn about the eight key characteristics that make learning high impact, discuss with others how these can be implemented in teaching and learning, and you will walk away with strategies to implement immediately in your teaching context.

    Facilitator: Dr. Stefanie Baier, Director, Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Instructional Development, MSU Graduate School

    The Zoom link will be sent a few days before the workshop. 


    Professional Development

  • Personal Finance for PhDs: Estimated Tax Workshop

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Personal Finance for PhDs: Estimated Tax Workshop

    October 12, 2023


    Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm



    The Live Q+A Session will be held on October 12th at 2:00pm. Registration for asynchronous materials is open until October 20th, 2023. The Q+A Session will be recorded and shared at a later date. 

    Register here:  

    Your stipend or salary is almost certainly considered taxable income by the IRS, even if your university does not withhold income tax from your paychecks. How can you prepare to pay your tax bill and stay on the IRS’s good side? Whether your objective is to save up for your eventual tax bill, avoid an underpayment penalty, or both, this workshop shows you how to accomplish it in a time-efficient manner. The Estimated Tax Worksheet in Form 1040-ES tells you definitively whether you are required to make estimated tax payments and how large your tax bill is this year, and this workshop walks you line-by-line through how to fill it out. The workshop also addresses the common scenarios graduate students, postdocs, and postbacs face, such as switching on to or off of fellowship mid-calendar year and being married to someone who has automatic income tax withholding. Note: This workshop is only for US citizens, permanent residents, and residents for tax purposes.

    Format: This is a largely asynchronous workshop. Upon registering, you will receive your login information over email. After logging in to the workshop, you can immediately access the modules (videos with transcripts) and spreadsheet. You also have the ability to receive answers to your questions by attending a live Q&A call or submitting a question in writing. The recordings and transcripts of the calls and answers to submitted questions are added to the workshop within about a week.

    Bio: Dr. Emily Roberts is a personal finance educator specializing in early-career PhDs. Through her business, Personal Finance for PhDs, she equips graduate students, postdocs, and PhDs with “real jobs” to make the most of their money. She gives seminars at universities and for associations; interviews PhDs on her podcast; and creates courses and workshops on taxes, investing, and more. Emily holds a PhD in biomedical engineering from Duke University and lives in San Diego with her husband and two children.

    *Please only register for this if you are a current MSU PhD Student. 


    Life and Well-Being

    AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    October 12, 2023


    Thursday, October 12, 2023 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


    Chittenden Hall 110

    The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) at Michigan State University (MSU) was started with funding from the National Science Foundation. MSU AGEP supports recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented U. S. minorities in doctoral programs of the natural and social sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The MSU AGEP Learning Community is an informal environment where students from varying disciplines can gather, share their research in a 10-minute presentation, or discover that their graduate toils are not unusual. Those in attendance are privy to information regarding fellowships, career opportunities, even summer internships, pertaining to the group.

    In-person RSVP for AGEP Learning Community meetings here:


    Diversity and Inclusion

  • Graduate School Write-In

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Graduate School Write-In

    October 13, 2023


    Friday, October 13, 2023 - 9:00am to 12:00pm



    Graduate School Write-Ins are co-sponsored by the Graduate School and The Writing Center at MSU. The write-ins are hosted and facilitated to provide writers with an opportunity to write in a shared writing space where other writers are present, and a writing center consultant/staff member is present to provide consultations for writers who would like to have a consultation appointment during the session.

    Along with this, the write-ins provide an opportunity for facilitators to promote and share information about upcoming events hosted by the Graduate School, Writing Center, and other campus partners such as the University Outreach and Engagement Office and to provide resources and information that can be used to form graduate writing groups, have writing center appointments or attend workshops (provided by the Graduate School) cater to graduate students based on goals they may share during the write in.

     Event will be held at the Graduate School- Chittenden Hall room 110. Zoom link will be shared with registrants prior to the date of the workshop. 

    *Food and activities are based on registration numbers. Please note that your registration is a commitment to attend.


    Professional Development

  • COGS Full Council Meeting

    Category: COGS Meetings COGS Full Council Meeting

    October 18, 2023

  • ETD Formatting Webinar

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide ETD Formatting Webinar

    October 19, 2023


    Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 9:30am to 11:00am



    This webinar is designed for Plan A Master’s students and all Doctoral students who intend to graduate this semester. During this workshop students will receive information regarding the following:

    How to format their thesis or dissertation correctly
    How to successfully submit their thesis or dissertation via ProQuest
    How to successfully submit required paperwork, complete their Graduate School degree requirements, and receive their diploma

    Students are encouraged to review the Graduate School's Electronic Thesis and Dissertation website where current information about formatting and requirements are listed prior to attending the workshop. 

    Registration is required:  


    Professional Development

    Navigating the Open Road: Career Discovery During and After Grad School

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Navigating the Open Road: Career Discovery During and After Grad School

    October 19, 2023


    Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


    Chittenden Hall 110

    Are you unsure of what you would like to do after graduate school? Are you finding yourself more interested in a field outside your current field of study? Are you worried that the degree you're pursuing doesn't align with the position you're dreaming of? Join Graduate Assistant Josh Knepp for an hour-long workshop designed to kickstart or reignite your career discovery journey. Josh will discuss both the viability of changing career paths as well as strategies to know where you want to go. The event will be held on Thursday, October 19th from 4-5pm in Chittenden Room 110. We hope to see you there!

    *Your registration is a commitment to attend. 

    * This is an in-person event only. 


    Professional Development

  • RECR Workshop: Authorship, Plagiarism and Peer Review

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide RECR Workshop: Authorship, Plagiarism and Peer Review

    October 24, 2023


    Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm



    *Event moved to October 24th*

    Publication of a scholarly work makes you an author - and that’s both exciting and a responsibility. This session will be dedicated to understanding the definitions and disagreements about what constitutes an author, how conflicts are resolved, how to avoid such conflicts, and where/to whom to go for help about authorship issues.

    Plagiarism - stealing the work of another - is an increasing problem in the scholarly community. At MSU, this ranks as the #1 allegation of research misconduct. This session will also aim to help you understand what plagiarism is, how to test for it within your own work, how to discuss plagiarism, and where to go for advice on plagiarism.


    Full RECR workshop series information can be found at


    Professional Development

    RECR Workshop: Case Studies in Authorship and Plagiarism

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide RECR Workshop: Case Studies in Authorship and Plagiarism

    October 24, 2023


    Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm



    The focus of this discussion-based workshop is on reviewing some real-world case studies illustrating examples of team power dynamics in authorship, determining who should be an author on a paper, authorship disputes in multi-team collaborations, and crossing the line into plagiarism. Following the training, participants will better understand what criteria should be met for determining authorship, learn about the benefits of authorship agreements and effective communication, develop some strategies for resolving authorship conflicts that might arise with a mentor or colleague, and recognize the different forms of plagiarism and best practices for avoidance.


    Full RECR workshop series information can be found at


    Professional Development

  • Lunch with the Dean

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Lunch with the Dean

    October 26, 2023


    Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm


    Chittenden Hall room 110

    Lunch with the Dean: During the academic year, the Dean of the Graduate School, Pero Dagbovie, invites graduate students to join him and his graduate school colleagues for lunch and conversation in Chittenden Hall along the beautiful and historic Laboratory Row.

    About the Event:This unique opportunity allows Graduate Students the chance to connect with The Graduate School leadership and staff in a relaxed and informal lunch setting. Connect about career and school journeys, gain understanding of The Graduate School programs that empower graduate student success and engage in candid discussions about university and student life.

    Why Attend?- Share experiences in a safe space.- Learn more about what the Graduate School offers, such as professional development & educational wellbeing opportunities.- Enjoy a delicious meal and great conversation with new people!

    Registration for these lunches is required. If the registration link is no longer available, either the workshop is full, or the registration period has ended.

    Lunch with the Dean dates for Fall 2023:Tuesday. September 26th: 12:00-1:00pm,Thursday, October 26th: 12:00-1:00pmWednesday, November 15th: 12:00-1:00pmTuesday, December 5th: 12:00-1:00pm


    Professional Development

  • Writing Center Write-In

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Writing Center Write-In

    October 27, 2023


    Friday, October 27, 2023 - 9:00am to 12:00pm


    Writing Center, Bessey Hall 300

    The Writing Center write-ins are hosted and facilitated semi-regularly throughout the academic year to provide writers with an opportunity to write in a shared writing space where other writers are present. Goal setting, co-working space, and 1:1 consultations are available during the write-in. Write-ins are free, but registration is required.

    *Please note that your registration is a commitment to attend. 


    Professional Development

    Effectively Engaging with Multilingual Learners in Diverse Undergraduate Classrooms

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Effectively Engaging with Multilingual Learners in Diverse Undergraduate Classrooms

    October 27, 2023


    Friday, October 27, 2023 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm



    The undergraduate student population at MSU consists of diverse students who come from different linguistic and cultural (including classroom culture) backgrounds. Since the medium of instruction in most disciplines is English, many multilingual learners who do not speak English as their first language may find it challenging to navigate instruction, assignments, and course expectations. In this workshop, we will discuss ways of creating an effective and welcoming learning environment for multilingual learners in diverse undergraduate classrooms.

    Facilitator: Dr. Hima Rawal, Postdoctoral Research Associate, The Graduate School

    Your registration is a commitment to attend. A Zoom link will be sent a few days before the workshop.


    Professional Development

    Spring 2024 TA Tuition Pool Closes

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Spring 2024 TA Tuition Pool Closes

    October 27, 2023


    Friday, October 27, 2023 - 5:00pm


    The Graduate Employees Union and Michigan State University agreed to add 500 additional tuition credits to the tuition waiver benefit for teaching assistants. This additional benefit will be in place for 2019-2023. The Spring tuition pool is available to students appointed as teaching assistants in Spring 2024. Applications are due October 27, 2023 by 5 pm.

    Apply at



  • ETD Formatting Walk-In Help

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide ETD Formatting Walk-In Help

    October 30, 2023


    Monday, October 30, 2023 - 1:30pm to 3:00pm


    Chittenden Hall Room 220

    Attention Master’s Plan A and Doctoral students:

    Do you have questions regarding formatting your thesis or dissertation? Stop in during one of our help sessions to talk to Graduate School staff about any specific formatting questions you may have.

    These are walk-in sessions. No registration is required.


    Professional Development