
September 26, 2022

BEST is BACK: Breakfast for BESTies to Talk about BEST

Category: Grad School, University-Wide BEST is BACK: Breakfast for BESTies to Talk about BEST

September 26, 2022


Monday, September 26, 2022 - 8:30am to 10:00am


1425 BPS

For faculty and PhD students in bioscience and engineering fields 

MSU BEST is Back! Funded by NIH for its first 6 years, MSU BEST is being sustained by MSU as a professional development program designed specifically graduate students in bioscience and engineering disciplines who want to learn more about the landscape of career paths open to them.

As part of the BEST community, BESTies will participate in a structured program that helps them identify their personal BEST goals and values, find their BEST career fit, and put their BEST out in the world through one or more internship experiences.

BESTies who have graduated have gone on to amazing positions in law, government agencies, industry, and academic careers.  Research has shown that students who participate in programs like this report better engagement with their community and their work, and data suggests a shorter time-to-degree because of these clearer goals.

Come learn more about how BEST is being re-launched this year, how you or your students can engage with BEST, or just grab some breakfast and talk about career options with staff from the Office of Graduate Career Development at the MSU Graduate School. 

Please register so we can make sure to have enough food!


Professional Development

Team Science Skills Workshop

Category: Grad School, University-Wide Team Science Skills Workshop

September 26, 2022


Monday, September 26, 2022 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


Chittenden Hall Room 110

The next generation of scholars will increasingly work in teams. Yet, team research skills are not often an explicit part of early career training. This in-person, two-hour workshop will introduce graduate students and post-doctoral scholars to 5 core competencies for research team success. Through a mini-lecture and interactive exercises, we will learn from the emerging literature on research teams and from each other. Participants will leave with a mental framework for thinking about their teamwork, elementary skills in each of the 5 competency areas, a personal action plan for learning more, and new relationships with colleagues from across campus.

Registration is required. If the registration link is gone, either the workshop is full or the registration period has ended.


Professional Development

Building your professional online presence

Category: Grad School, University-Wide Building your professional online presence

September 26, 2022


Monday, September 26, 2022 - 4:00pm to 4:30pm



A well-curated online presence is essential for everyone, especially those who wish to start a job search. This workshop will help students take the first leap in building their professional profile by guiding students in developing an effective profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has emerged as a key source of industry information and a platform to connect with peers, leaders and prospective employers. Through this workshop students will learn practices to bring their best professional appearance and avoid common mistakes in professional social media. 


            Meeting ID: 983 5657 9634            Passcode: spartans


Professional Development