
The week's events

  • Lunch with the Dean

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Lunch with the Dean

    October 10, 2022


    Monday, October 10, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm


    Chittenden Hall Room 110

    The MSU Graduate School is invested in student success, and has resources and programs to support a variety of post-degree career goals. For this lunch, Dean Pero Dagbovie and Julie Rojewski, Director of Graduate Career Development at MSU are eager to hear from you about your dreams and aspirations: where do you hope to go, and what kinds of MSU resources can we share that will help you get there? This is a great opportunity to share resources, network with other graduate students, and have lunch with other graduate students to talk about what's next! 

    Registration is required. If the registration link is gone, either the workshop is full or the registration period has ended.

    *Food and activities are based on registration numbers. Please note that your registration is a commitment to attend.


    Important Dates
    Life and Well-Being
    Professional Development

  • Staying Strong in Graduate School: Increasing Motivation

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Staying Strong in Graduate School: Increasing Motivation

    October 11, 2022


    Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


    Chittenden Hall Room 110

    This workshop is the second of a three-part workshop series called Thriving in Graduate School, cosponsored by the Council of Graduate Students and the Graduate School Office of Well-Being. If you are not able to attend in person, we will make the recording of the session available to you.

    One of the most difficult things about graduate school is having to sustain high levels of motivation for a very long time. If you are feeling your motivation fading and aren’t sure how to keep going, you are not alone! In this workshop, we will talk about specific strategies to build and/or recover sustainable motivational structures and practices in your life.

    Registration required for in person participation. If the registration link is gone, either the workshop is full or the registration period has ended.

    If you are not able to attend in person, you will be able to access a recording of the session here (allow approx. 7 days after session). Registration is for IN-PERSON attendance only.


    Life and Well-Being

    RCR Workshop- Authorship, Plagiarism and Peer Review

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide RCR Workshop- Authorship, Plagiarism and Peer Review

    October 11, 2022


    Tuesday, October 11, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm



    Authorship, Plagiarism and Peer Review (4195-ILT)

    Publication of a scholarly work makes you an author - and that’s both exciting and a responsibility. This session will be dedicated to understanding the definitions and disagreements about what constitutes an author, how conflicts are resolved, how to avoid such conflicts, and where/to whom to go for help about authorship issues.

    Plagiarism - stealing the work of another - is an increasing problem in the scholarly community. At MSU, this ranks as the #1 allegation of research misconduct. This session will also aim to help you understand what plagiarism is, how to test for it within your own work, how to discuss plagiarism, and where to go for advice on plagiarism.

    For Registration see

    The deadline for registering for a session is one week before the session. You will know if you have successfully registered for a workshop because you will receive an e-mail from


    Professional Development

  • GTA Virtual Lunch & Learn - Small Changes, BIG Difference Makers: Strategies That Inspire Faculty and Student Success

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide GTA Virtual Lunch & Learn - Small Changes, BIG Difference Makers: Strategies That Inspire Faculty and Student Success

    October 12, 2022


    Wednesday, October 12, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm



    Google ‘student success’ and ‘faculty success’ and you’ll find that there are about two times as many ‘student success’ results as ‘faculty success’ results. To say student success is a hot topic and central to our work as educators is clear and evident. Some, however, would argue that higher education cannot increase student success without focusing on faculty success, including equitable, engaged, active learning strategies that are successful for students and instructors. In other words, we need to focus on instructor and student success together. During this session you will have an opportunity to learn about strategies, resources, tools [including those suggested by students and some created by instructors] that GTAs can easily, and with minimal time, integrate into their teaching practices.   

    Facilitated by Mary Beth Heeder, Sr. Consultant and Project Manager for Student Learning and Success; Instructor, Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures Department, College of Arts and Letters

    Facilitator Bio:

    Mary Beth is a Senior Consultant for Student Learning and Success and a Project Manager for the College of Arts and Letters. She also teaches a First Year Writing course for the Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures Department. All of the roles Mary Beth has held during her 40 years working at MSU and her research on the neuroscience of education, mindset science, compassion science, and purpose development are linked to her purpose for discovering what true compassion is and how it impacts all students so we can support them as we accompany them in their learning journey.

    Zoom link will be shared with participants the day before.


    Professional Development

    Slate Training

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Slate Training

    October 12, 2022


    Wednesday, October 12, 2022 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm



    This session will be focused on an introduction to  Slate.  A high-level overview of Slate, primarily for users with the Graduate Program Coordinator (GPC) role. This session will help familiarize you with the basic functions of Slate that you will use in your role.

    Topics will include:

    Bin Workflow
    Waiver Processes
    The State of Slate Hub
    Slate Marketing
    and more

    No registration required.  Learn more here. (Access to Slate of Slare required to view the link.)
    Zoom Information:

    Webinar Password: S1aT3IntR0


    Important Dates
    Professional Development

  • AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    October 13, 2022


    Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


    Chittenden Hall Room 110

    The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) at Michigan State University (MSU) was started with funding from the National Science Foundation. MSU AGEP supports recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented U. S. minorities in doctoral programs of the natural and social sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The MSU AGEP Learning Community is an informal environment where students from varying disciplines can gather, share their research in a 10-minute presentation, or discover that their graduate toils are not unusual. Those in attendance are privy to information regarding fellowships, career opportunities, even summer internships, pertaining to the group.

    In-person RSVP for AGEP Learning Community meetings here:


    Professional Development