
Events in December 2022

  • ETD Submission Deadline

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide ETD Submission Deadline

    December 1, 2022


    Thursday, December 1, 2022 - 5:00pm


    Each semester has a deadline for the initial submission of theses and dissertations to ProQuest.  The deadline is generally two weeks prior to the final deadline.  Plan your defense accordingly. The document submitted to ProQuest is expected to be a final version, meaning it has been successfully defended, corrections the committee wants have been made, and there are no more content changes. 

    Students are highly encouraged to read and follow the Thesis and Dissertation information available on the Graduate School’s website at: This site gives instructions on formatting, required paperwork, and how to submit to ProQuest.

    The Graduate School will not accept documents for review for the current semester after 5:00PM ET on the submission deadline date.


    Important Dates

    AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    December 1, 2022


    Thursday, December 1, 2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


    Chittenden Hall Room 110

    The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) at Michigan State University (MSU) was started with funding from the National Science Foundation. MSU AGEP supports recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented U. S. minorities in doctoral programs of the natural and social sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The MSU AGEP Learning Community is an informal environment where students from varying disciplines can gather, share their research in a 10-minute presentation, or discover that their graduate toils are not unusual. Those in attendance are privy to information regarding fellowships, career opportunities, even summer internships, pertaining to the group.

    In-person RSVP for AGEP Learning Community meetings here:


    Professional Development

    AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide AGEP Learning Community Meeting

    December 1, 2022


    Thursday, December 1, 2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm


    Molecular Plant Sciences room 1200

    The Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) at Michigan State University (MSU) was started with funding from the National Science Foundation. MSU AGEP supports recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented U. S. minorities in doctoral programs of the natural and social sciences, mathematics, and engineering. The MSU AGEP Learning Community is an informal environment where students from varying disciplines can gather, share their research in a 10-minute presentation, or discover that their graduate toils are not unusual. Those in attendance are privy to information regarding fellowships, career opportunities, even summer internships, pertaining to the group.

    In-person RSVP for AGEP Learning Community meetings here:


    Professional Development

  • CES Write-In

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide CES Write-In

    December 2, 2022


    Friday, December 2, 2022 - 9:00am to 12:00pm



    Is working from home making it hard to find writing time? Would scheduling regular, specific times to write about your community outreach or engagement work be helpful? If so, please join us on the first Friday of each month for three hours of dedicated time to advance your scholarship. Past participants have written journal articles, grant proposals, book chapters, theses or dissertations, curricula, pieces for public audiences, and community engagement portfolios. Participants should plan to write for the full three hours. We start the write-in by sharing writing goals for the day and wrap up with accomplishments and next steps. Both in-person and virtual write-in options are available 2022-2023. Write-Ins are free, but registration is required. 


    Register here :


    Professional Development

  • RCR Workshop- Data and Data Management and Research Collaborations

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide RCR Workshop- Data and Data Management and Research Collaborations

    December 6, 2022


    Tuesday, December 6, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm



    Data and Data Management and Research Collaborations (3388-ILT)

    At the heart of what you do as a scholar is to produce data and or other creative products. The gathering, use of and ownership of data  and creative products are critical to understand. This session will discuss the diversity of what data can be, and who controls, owns and can share such data. We will also discuss practical means to protect your data and creative products. 

    For Registration see

    The deadline for registering for a session is one week before the session. You will know if you have successfully registered for a workshop because you will receive an e-mail from


    Professional Development

  • COGS Coffee & Connection

    Category: COGS Events COGS Coffee & Connection

    December 9, 2022

    Writing Center Write In

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide Writing Center Write In

    December 9, 2022


    Friday, December 9, 2022 - 9:00am to 12:00pm



    The Writing Center write-ins are hosted and facilitated to provide writers with an opportunity to write in a shared writing space where other writers are present, and a writing center consultant/staff member is present to provide consultations for writers who would like to have a consultation appointment during the session. Face-to-face location will be provided to participants closer to the workshop.

     *Please note that activities are based on registration numbers and that your registration is a commitment to attend.


    Professional Development

  • SROP Virtual OpenHouse

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide SROP Virtual OpenHouse

    December 13, 2022


    Tuesday, December 13, 2022 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm



    The MSU SROP Program provides an opportunity to combine professional development with applied work experience in your career field. This is also an opportunity for Michigan State University faculty to evaluate you as a potential graduate student. MSU SROP typically convenes the third weekend of May and ends the last weekend of July.Click here to download our SROP Program brochure.Sign-up to Join our Mailing List

    Sign-up to attend virtual MSU SROP Open House session on December 13, 2022 at 6pm ET


    Professional Development

  • GTA Virtual Lunch & Learn - Embodied Self-Care: Honoring the Body and Mind Connection

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide GTA Virtual Lunch & Learn - Embodied Self-Care: Honoring the Body and Mind Connection

    December 14, 2022


    Wednesday, December 14, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm



    Many of us experience cognitive overload and burnout during this time of year. Intentionally taking care of ourselves is key to our overall wellbeing. In this gathering, we invite you all to join us for some self-care practices that show us how important it is to keep our bodies healthy to nurture a healthy mind. Bring a friend, grab a blanket or pillow to be comfortable. Join us with a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate and relax. You are in for a treat!

    Facilitated by Dr. Stefanie Baier & Hima Rawal and the GTATLC

    Zoom link will be shared with participants at a later date.


    Professional Development

  • ETD Final Deadline Day - FS22

    Category: Grad School, University-Wide ETD Final Deadline Day - FS22

    December 15, 2022


    Thursday, December 15, 2022 - 5:00pm


    Each semester has a final deadline where documents have been accepted and delivered for publishing, all required paperwork has been turned in, all milestones have been completed, and all degree audits have been completed. Your document must be accepted and delivered to the publisher, ProQuest, by 5:00PM ET on the final deadline date. 

    Students are highly encouraged to read and follow the Thesis and Dissertation information available on the Graduate School’s website at: This site gives instructions on formatting, required paperwork, and how to submit to ProQuest.


    Important Dates