Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Information Se ssion
Thursday, January 21, 2021 – 4:00pm
Attent ion: Doctoral Students
The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Resea rch Abroad (DDRA) grant competition is expected to open soon. Joy Campbell , MSU’s new Fulbright-Hays project director, will offer a DDRA informati on session for MSU PhD students on Thursday, January 21 at 4:00pm (link a vailable on the MSU Fulbright website). In this session, she will give an overview of the program, discuss eligibility and benefits, then cover t he various application requirements, with ample time for Q&A. The MSU DDR A web page contains further details on the program and the US Department o f Education DDRA program website provides answers to FAQs.
Key infor mation about the DDRA program:
This is a competitive grant program fund ed by the US Department of Education that enables US citizen/permanent res ident PhD candidates to do dissertation research abroad for six to twelve months.
Awards generally provide international airfare, a maintenance al lowance based on living costs in the host country, research-related expen ses, and supplemental insurance.
Grants are available worldwide except f or Western Europe and must be related to language or area studies. Area st udies can be broadly defined and can include interdisciplinary fields.
Fe llows must possess a high enough language proficiency level to carry out t heir research in the target language.
The competition is expected to open in the coming weeks; the publication date has varied widely in past year s, and the transition to a new administration in Washington could impact timing.
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