Start With Kindness: A Well-Being Workshop
Wednesday, March 3, 2021 – 11:00am to 12:00pm
Lo cation:
Given the state of our world these days and the toll it’s taken on all of us, there has been a lot of talk about wellness and well-being. Yes, well-being is the foundation for success in life. Y es, we need to take time to invest in our own well-being as we are able. And no, no one wants to go to another zoom meeting. However, getting tog ether with other grad students virtually to talk about well-being may be b etter than nothing at all.
In this workshop, we’ll discuss principle s and skills of well-being and how to apply them to your life in a way tha t can make a tangible and significant difference. You will come away with concrete resources and a plan for how to improve your physical, mental/em otional and social well-being. Please contact the facilitator, Meg Moore , Associate Director of Grad Student Life & Wellness, with any questions:
Join Zoom Meeting ?pwd=eVFhZ2pjNTdrMEx4SkRxZDJFNjZvQT09
Meeting ID: 979 6590 4419Passc ode: 641470
Life and Well-Being